ICONz SELF POST Assessment (High School) You must first complete Lesson 25 – Peter 4: Peter Goes Between Two Households before viewing this Lesson HiddenDate* MM slash DD slash YYYY Your Gender*Please SelectMaleFemaleNon-binary/third genderPrefer to self-describePrefer not to sayYour Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Indicate if you are completing this self-assessment yourself or with assistance* I am completing this self-assessment all on my own I am completing this self-assessment myself, but with assistance from someone. Someone is completing this self-assessment for me. If someone assisted you or completed this for you, please indicate who helped you.*(If you completed this self-assessment all on your own, please skip this question.) Parent Educator Counselor Therapist Helper/Aide Other ICONz® Self PRE-AssessmentRate yourself on each of the following statements. Choose the word that describes you best. The goal is to learn about how you do things in your everyday life. When the statement asks about “things,” answer by thinking about the activities you do everyday.1. I enjoy helping other people.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 2. When I focus too much on details, I miss other important information.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 3. I know when I'm talking too loudly.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 4. I do not enjoy surprises.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 5. I don't mind going along with other people’s plans.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 6. I can put troubling thoughts out of my mind when I need to.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 7. It’s okay with me when other people don’t see my point of view.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 8. Other people are confusing to me.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 9. I accept when I'm wrong.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 10. I see things differently as I get older.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 11. I notice other people's faces when they talk.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 12. I might change my mind when I get more information about a subject.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 13. I pay attention to people around me, and I notice how they act.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 14. Other people’s ideas are better than my own.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 15. I get in trouble, but I don’t know why.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 16. I usually keep my emotions under control.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 17. I notice that I enjoy more activities than I used to.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 18. I like to laugh, and I enjoy jokes.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 19. I listen when other people are talking, and I wait to add my opinion.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 20. I enjoy spending time alone.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 21. I usually pay attention to the clothes I wear.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 22. I’m good at predicting what other people will do.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 23. I don’t like to hear about other people's lives.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 24. I expect there will be changes when I get a new job or a new boss.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 25. At the end of my day, I think I could have done something in a better way.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 26. I don’t like learning new ways to get to the same place.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 27. My friends and family call or text me on the telephone.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 28. I stop myself from saying and doing things that get me into trouble* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 29. Some things that used to bother me are okay now.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 30. It's interesting when other people show me a new way to do something.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 31. I keep track of my money.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 32. I like change.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 33. I enjoy tasks with many details.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 34. It’s clear to me when someone likes me.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 35. I don’t like to follow other people’s suggestions.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always 36. I call or text my friends and family on the telephone.* Never Rarely Sometimes Regularly Almost Always Always Print This Page